Yesterday during lunch Max Lux, Justin Le, and I attempted to build a penny battery for the second time. Unfortunately we were not able to have our LED produce light. The first time I tried in 6th period I was also unsuccessful (See previous blog entry). Like last time, we started by sanding 4 pre-1982 pennies in order to expose the zinc and copper. We then stacked the pennies in between solution soaked cardboard squares. The solution was of the vinegar and water variety. To see if we had made successful battery we held an LED to both sides and we unhappy when it did not light up. We attempted using larger pieces or cardboard in a last ditch effort, but still were without a working battery. Maybe if we could somehow have gotten more electrolytes in the battery it may have had more success.
Above are images or our materials. Bottom, is a picture of our pennies and cardboard pieces stacked.
Above is our failed attempt at using larger pieces of cardboard, As you can see the LED did not light up :(.
The electrolytes present in our battery are sodium Chloride. We thought that the energy from these electrolytes passed though our device and the led would uses that energy to light up, which it did not. In conclusion I think we tried our best on two attempts, meaning that this lab most likely is some what faulty or takes extreme precision to pull off.
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