Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Mendalien Info graphic - Corrigan

Today in Mr. Wong's class we needed to quickly come up with a Mendailen info graphic for Mr. Wong to present above is my graphic and below is my explanation of it! I chose to make the red arrow weight gain for the aliens eat more and gain more weight because of it. This is same as the black arrow because as you go across the aliens eat more and become fatter. The orange arrow represents increased sadness or loss of happiness because of hair loss, the opposite goes for the blue arrow. When these aliens loose hair and go bald they become sad. The brown and yellow arrows represent the sexual attraction gained or lost by aliens due to finger count. The green and purple arrows represent how well the aliens do in school based on number of arms. The more arms, obviously the easier work is to get done. 

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Mundailens! - Lawton Corrigan

Today in Mr. Wong's 6th period chemistry class, we searched for the missing Mendailen! Below are my findings.